Love Triumphs Ferguson in Fundraising Efforts

The Washington Post recently published a heartwarming article written by Wesley Lowery entitled, “Damaged Ferguson Businesses Receive Pledges of Almost $500,000.” Despite the civil unrest our country is going through at this moment, many good-hearted citizens reached out to business owners who were victims of the uprising that resulted in Ferguson as a result of Michael Brown’s verdict. All over the nation, people were tuning into live feeds that showed the chaos happening in Ferguson – from large rocks being thrown into store windows, to streets being lit on fire. People across the country noticed, and felt determined to help Ferguson rebuild itself.
According to Lowery, “Beginning the morning after the St. Louis County grand jury decision not to indict Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson in the death of unarmed teen Michael Brown, a number of online fundraising efforts- some started by benevolent strangers – began popping up”. Just one week later, hundreds of thousands of dollars have been donated to the people whose stores and businesses were damaged and burned to the ground. One of the main websites that has been a huge help in the regrowth of Ferguson is the GoFundMe website, which has totalled nearly $500,000.
These efforts have brought a shining light to the darkness that Ferguson has seen these past few months. Spokeswoman for GoFundMe, Kelsea Little, notes, “The many recent campaigns started for Ferguson business owners are shining examples of what can happen when communities come together for a common cause. It’s incredibly heartwarming to see so many generous people come together to help these businesses rebuild”. Just one day after the public debut of Wilson’s verdict, people across the nation donated thousands of dollars online for the Brown family’s burial and funeral costs.
On South Florissant Avenue, business owners Cathy and Jerome Jenkins watched as their places were damaged after excruciatingly violent encounters between police and Ferguson locals took place. Both Cathy’s Kitchen and J&C BBQ and Blues Restaurant has received $20,000 in online donations. According to Lowery, “The couple has been resilient, reopening Cath’s Kitchen the day following the chaos. On the board that now covers one of the restaurant’s front windows, a local girl painted a mural that reads: ‘love will win’”.
Even through all the chaos and political corruption that’s happening throughout our nation right now, if one thing’s for certain it’s that love will win. No matter how dark it gets, there is always an opportunity for light to shine through; and it’s comforting to know that this light is coming from humanity.